Weekday Mass Schedule (Schedule may vary, check weekly bulletin for details. If there is a funeral in house, the funeral IS the mass of the day. When school is cancelled there will be no daily mass so no one will have to travel in inclement weather). Tuesday - 9:00 a.m.
Sacramental Information Questions & Concerns - Please Contact the church office.
Baptisms The parish office must be contacted a least one month prior to desired date of baptism to make arrangements for the required preparation session. Parish membership and regular Mass attendance is required.
First Eucharist Preparation for First Eucharist is done over the course of the school year for students aged 7 and older. The First Eucharists are then celebrated during the Easter Season. Please register at the beginning of the school year. Late registration could mean having to wait until the next year. For more information please visit the Faith Formation page and contact the Director of Faith Formation & Youth.
Confirmation Confirmation Classes are offered every two years for students in 8th and 9th grades or older. Preparation takes place over the course of one full school year and the beginning of a second. The Confirmation will be performed by the Bishop in the Fall of the second year. The date for this will be set according to the Bishop's schedule. For more information please visit the Faith Formation page and contact the Director of Faith Formation & Youth.
Marriage The Pastor must be contacted at least six months in advance to set the date and arrange pre-marital preparation. Parish membership and regular Mass attendance are required. Please visit the Wedding & Marriage Preparation page for more information.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Contact the parish office if a family member is hospitalized, homebound, or in need of sacramental ministry.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Any non-Catholic interested in learning about our faith, or in becoming a Catholic Christian, please contact the parish office or see more information on our Adult Faith Formation Page.