Spiritual Life Liturgy Committee: meets monthly to study, work, and prepare prayer life of the parish. Hospitality Ministers: greet and welcome all entering our doors for liturgies and other celebrations. Assist parish during Communion as necessary. Lector (Reader): proclaims the Word of God at the liturgy. Training/ enrichment provided. Landscape Committee: Responsible for the overall outside appearance of the church grounds. Plant flowers, scrubs and trim trees for the different seasons. Meets seasonally Plant Watering Committee: Responsible for the watering of indoor plants as needed Eucharistic Minister: trained and commissioned to minister the Body and Blood of Christ at the liturgy; may also be commissioned to go to the homes of the sick Rhema Prayer Group: Meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm Adult Education: Meets weekly on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. (currently suspended) Eucharistic Minister for the Sick: commissioned to minister communion to the sick, homebound, and hospitalized, Sunday mornings and when needed. Choir: rehearse Monday evenings 6:30 PM, sing for a weekend liturgy, holy days and other celebrations. Cantor: leads the assembly in song, sings the psalm for liturgy; rehearse with director; usually participate with choir Nursery helper: provides care for children 5 years and under during any weekend liturgy (currently suspended) Altar Linen Care: helps keep all cloths and linens (used at worship) ready and clean. Decorating Committee: prepares worship room, etc. for liturgical seasons. (i.e. Christmas, Easter) Altar Servers: Boys and girls serve 4th grade and older at Eucharist and other Liturgical celebrations
Education Education Committee: provides support and in-put for parish religious education and formation. Catechists: teach and share their faith with youth. Rite of Christian Initation of Adults (RCIA): share faith with all who are seeking to know more about the Catholic Church; meet on Sunday afternoons September-April. Works with full initiation of catechumens and or candidates at Easter Vigil. Youth Activities:youth attend and participate in service projects as well as youth social events. In conjunction with Religious Education Parish Activities Parish Activities Committee: coordinate all social activities of the Parish. Meets when necessary (ie. All Saints Day, Parish Dance, Parish Picnic, Parish Receptions) Women's Club: parish women meet monthly; speakers, hospitality and ways to help in parish life. Meet third Wednesday of each month excluding Summer Singles Group:co-ordinates activities and events for all singles (ie. trips, concerts, get-togethers). Social Concerns Social ConcernsOutreach Committee: Helps families in the parish. Community Outreach Committee Transportation of Elderly: helps with transportation to weekend liturgy (as needed). Social Justice: helps informs the parish of needs in the community. Family Life Committee: helps at the Clarksburg Mission. Early Losses Support Group: Works with families who have lost children. Parish Nursing: Conducts blood pressure workshops. Visit to the Sick/Homebound: provide visits to those confined in hospitals, at home or just home from the hospital. Card Sending: send a greeting to those who are ill or bereaved. Bereavement Concerns: helps with practical needs of those in the midst of a funeral; prepare post funeral meal. Community Service: distribute food baskets (ie. Thanksgiving, Christmas) for needy families and other activities bimonthly Shepherd's Corner: located at the corner of Main and 3rd Streets. Provides clothing/food to those in need; operated by churches of the Bridgeport Ministerial Association. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thurdsays from 9:00 til 2:00 Cancer Support Group: meets monthly
Communication Welcoming Committee: contacts and welcomes new parishioners. Mail Preparation: helps prepare bulk parish mailings. Phone Calling: helps parish contact a list of people. Newsletter: assembles the parish newsletter and prepares to mail. Quarterly VCR, Taping, Camera: film/photograph certain parish events as requested. Councils Parish Council: members are drawn by lot at appointed time. Two year terms. Finance Council: members oversee financial matters of parish life.